Witch from brave
Witch from brave

witch from brave

“Legends are lessons, they ring with truth.” “Merida, a princess does not place her weapons on the table.”

witch from brave

“A princess does not chortle, doesn't stuff her gob, rises early, is compassionate, patient, cautious, clean, and above all, a princess strives for, well, perfection.” “A princess must be knowledgeable about her kingdom.” You must be understood from anywhere in the room, or it's all for naught!” “Some say that will o' the wisps lead you to your fate.” You only have to be brave enough to see it.” Queen Elinor “There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. And I know now that I need to amend my mistake, and mend our bond.” It was an alliance forged in bravery and friendship, and it lives to this day.” My dad rallied your forces and you made him your king. “The story of this kingdom is a powerful one. “I didn’t ask her to change you into a bear, I just wanted her to change you.” “You’re a witch! That’s why the wisps led me here!” “This whole marriage is what you want! Do you ever bother to ask what I want?” “I am Merida, first-born descendant of Clan DunBroch, and I’ll be shooting for my own hand.” We’ll expect your declarations of war in the morning!’” In fact, she might not ever be ready for this! So, that’s that, good day to you. “You’re the queen, you can just tell the lords, ‘The princess is not ready for this. “I suppose a princess just does what she’s told!” I’ve got duties, responsibilities, expectations. Some never find it, but there are some who are led.” It’s the one thing we search for, or fight to change. Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that one’s destiny intertwines with many others. “Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it.

Witch from brave